So why are we being looted now?

To most people it may seem as if the current hurry to sell New Zealand’s assets is solely the result of the stupidity of Kiwi’s electing National as their Government but the truth is that National or Labour could not have prevented it because our assets are being sold not because of a philosophical or political doctrine but because there is a problem with the thing we call money.

Our money you see it what is called a fiat currency and it is not related to anything of value and the powers that be are printing more and more of it but people are catching on and the only way for the “rich” people to “keep” their wealth is to buy up real world wealth with their worthless digital and paper fiat money.

I thought I’d put up a 45 minute animation video that explains real simple how our money is is created and while it may not have anything to do with mining it does explain what we will get in exchange for our beautiful country being robbed of its resources and maybe it will serve to make you even more angry and please, please please share this with your loved ones and all who will listen

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1 Response to So why are we being looted now?

  1. travellerev says:

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